Tuesday, August 14, 2007


I am just one day before "swearing in." In P. Corps lingo tomorrow is the day I become official. Last week I went to visit my site for the next two years and was greeted via trial by fire. I am so excited about what is to come, but my task is also daunting. I arrived at Bethel after 4 hours on a paved road and 2 hours on a bumpy snaking dirt road which wound along the deeply carved river. I was informed that the next morning I would begin teaching. What? I am now in charge of curriculum development for Agro-ecology 1 and 2 as well as Environmental Education. My studnets range from 18 to 40 and they are precious thus far. The school is everything I could ever hope for because we have an emphasis on the tangible side of learning, so as the agric. teacher I am also in charge of orchards and a few acres of vegetable gardens and fields. Thus far my favorite character has been the handyman. His name is Zoo and he follows me around asking "Madame, what can I do." He is a few french fries short of a Happy meal and smokes like a raging chimney. He is more willing to help than anyone I've met thus far an I feel will be one of the pieces of the puzzle which will begin to make Bethel feel like home. From here I can see two years of hard work in a place I think I will be happy to call home.

1 comment:

betsie said...

You're a real volunteer now! Congratulations. Now the fun REALLY begins. You're in my prayers, Kj, and I'm sure you'll do fabulously.